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Iridology Report Generator Report Sample

Below is a few samples of the text that is produced in an Iridology Report Generator report. This text can be modified in any way you wish including the addition/removal of specific supplements.

Stomach - Lack of Hydrochloric Acid Excerpt
The STOMACH shows a lack of Hydrochloric Acid. As we age, less and less hydrochloric acid is secreted. Stress also causes us to secrete less Hydrochloric Acid. Iced beverages should not be used with meals as this can prevent the secretion of Hydrochloric Acid and other digestive enzymes. Gum chewing causes the stomach to secrete Hydrocholoric acid even when no food is there to be digested and is a health-destroying habit. When the stomach is not secreting sufficient Hydrochloric Acid, protein is only partially digested, leading to gas, belching, or bloating after meals. In addition, Hydrochloric Acid is necessary for the acidification of minerals for absorption, so a lack of Hydrochloric Acid can cause mineral deficiencies such as arthritis and osteoporosis. When a sufficient amount of HYDROCHLORIC ACID is being taken with each meal, the symptoms of burping, belching, and/or gas will usually disappear. If these symptoms do not disappear, consider adding FLORA FORCE or BIFIDOPHILUS. PDA (formerlly called Protein Digestive Aid) supplies the Hydrochloric Acid necessary for proper protein digestion and optimum mineral absorption.

Colon - Heavy Accumulations Excerpt
The COLON shows heavy accumulations of waste material, toxic poisons, and mucous. Such toxicity can be the cause of allergies, headaches, fatigue, skin eruptions, and mucous backup throughout the body. A lack of sufficient roughage and liquids in the diet can be a cause of such a situation, as can a lack of sufficient ACIDOPHILUS bacteria in the bowel.

As much as possible, white flour products should be eliminated in favor of whole wheat products (stone-ground to retain all the nutrients). The addition of PSYLLIUM HULLS, 5-6 servings of raw fruits and vegetables daily, and raw nuts and seeds help to maintain good colon health. It is suggested that red meat and cheese be limited as they can bind the colon.

It is very important to cleanse the large and small intestines as they affect so many organs & systems in the body. For this reason, it is suggested that you utilize the following cleanse as you begin your supplement program. If the intestines are not cleansed, you will not be as likely to get full value from those supplements you take. Good health (and disease) begins in the bowel!

(NOTE: BASIC INTESTINAL CLEANSE is also included with the above text)

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