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Iridology Report Generator Checksheet

Below is excerpt of part of the Iridology checksheet used during the analysis of the eyes. The checksheet matches the Iridology Report Generator sections for easy data entry after you complete the analysis. As you analyze the eyes, you simply place a checkmark in front of those areas you wish to have added to the report. Multiple checkmarks can be used for those areas you feel are more critical and three asterisks will be printed at the beginning of those areas. You can also enter the results of the analysis directly into the computer program if you can analyze the eye while in front of the computer that has the IRG installed.

Report Introduction
   ____ Introduction
   ____ Below Average Body Strength
   ____ Average Body Strength
   ____ Good Body Strength
   ____ Excellent Body Strength
   ____ Superior Body Strength
   ____ Brown Eye
   ____ Myasmic Eye Specific
   ____ Complaints______________________________________________________________

Digestive System
   ____ Heading
   ____ Stomach - Lack of Hydrochloric Acid
   ____ Stomach - Excess Acid
   ____ Stomach - Ring Not Visible
   ____ Stomach - Absorption Ring
   ____ Stomach - Lack of Sodium
   ____ Small Intestines
   ____ Gallbladder
   ____ Liver
   ____ Pancreas
   ____ Pancreatic Enzyme Function
   ____ Adrenal Glands

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